Director | Writer
(In Development)

A dramatic coming-of-age feature-length film with elements of magical realism
Logline: When her disillusioned father refuses to participate in the annual religious pilgrimage of their people, an indigenous girl embarks on the perilous journey alone to retrieve the sacred ice from a remote mountain glacier—the last remaining hope for her dying mother.
Directed by
Thais Drassinower
Written by
Thais Drassinower & Bri Brooks
Produced by
Gerry Kim and Jimena Hospina
BAM - Bogotá Audiovisual Market
Film Projects Section
Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara FICG
Co-production Encounters
Winner of two awards in the pitch section
Film Independent Screenwriting Lab
Los Angeles, CA
Cine Qua Non Lab, México
Storylines Lab
DAFO Ministerio de Cultura - Gobierno del Perú
Taller de Nuevas Realizadoras - New Filmmakers Lab
Estímulos Económicos para la Cultura 2022
DAFO Ministerio de Cultura - Gobierno del Perú
Fondo de Desarrollo de Largometrajes - Film Development Funds
BAM - Bogotá Audiovisual Market
Film Projects Section
Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara FICG
Co-production Encounters
Winner of two awards in the pitch section
Film Independent Screenwriting Lab
Los Angeles, CA
Cine Qua Non Lab, México
Storylines Lab
DAFO Ministerio de Cultura - Gobierno del Perú
Taller de Nuevas Realizadoras - New Filmmakers Lab
Estímulos Económicos para la Cultura 2022
DAFO Ministerio de Cultura - Gobierno del Perú
Fondo de Desarrollo de Largometrajes - Film Development Funds